Can You Edit Off A NAS? 5 Video Editing Server Tips!

can you edit off a nas

It’s so strange and oddly mesmerizing how owning a handy-cam was an option chosen by a few just a few years ago. Camera was an exclusive accessory that you bought and used for special occasions. Fast forward to the current day, and every pocket has a camera in it. Couple that with what we call … Read more

Why Are 4K Monitors So Expensive in Comparison To 4K TVs?

why are 4k monitors so expensive

If you ask me to define what a monitor is, I rarely would give you a very tech-centric description. You see, I like to keep things simple. Monitors are windows that open up to a world in itself. Am I wrong when I say this? With the realism that we see from computer systems today … Read more

Are Curved Monitors Good for Video Editing?

are curved monitors good for video editing

In the sea of monitors where the core parameters that rule the arena are panels, resolution, and size, a curved monitor was introduced to infuse an aspect of immersion. A curved monitor offers immersive visuals and the extra real estate that you get from an ultra-wide 21:9 display comes in really handy in productivity and … Read more

Does Plex Server Need GPU? Importance of GPU and CPU In Plex

does plex server need gpu or cpu

Okay, so plex servers are a topic that I have been meaning to discuss for a while now. The reason being I want to focus on helping you guys get into NAS and similar server-based solutions and secondly, you guys won’t stop pestering me with your questions. Lol. I am just kidding. I enjoy and … Read more

Do Emulators Slow Down A Computer? | Emulators Vs Simulators

do emulators slow down a computer

I remember the time when you always found yourselves short of operating platforms. Either the platform was underdeveloped or the task at hand needed to be processed through multiple applications to complete it. Now, it’s the other way around. Any particular task can be completed by any number of applications which more or less have … Read more

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