ISO burning software : The best method to burn hot stuff into your media

We are gonna keep this real simple and to the point my bois. Why ?, because I have much more detailed and awesome things to offer you of-course. Ain’t gonna waste too much time on simple question of which iso burning software to use ?

So here goes.

But just a an itty-bitty background knowledge for new comers.

What’s an ISO ?

A very specific digital package of files that is designed such that all its content can be transferred to a media(CD/DVD/USB) as a ready to execute/boot medium.

Did that sound difficult ?.

Ahh. It isn’t as easy as I can make it. Let’s try again shall we.

Take 2.

ISO is a digital package created specifically so that the content it packages can be written out on a media and then that media can be used as a ready to boot/execute/autoplay device.

That’s better isn’t it.

Next off.

What’s an ISO burning software ?

It’s a third part (or in built software) that etches digital media with content within the ISO.

Damn, what is it with me today.

Making things difficult to digest.

Take 2.

It a simple piece of software that writes ISO to a digital medium (CD/DVD/USB).

Everything is simple the second time.

One question that you might be wondering over.

Why burning ? Why does everything needs to burn ?

Burn ISO, ISO burning Software, burning iso image to an optical disk.

Why can’t it be etching ?.

Etching is nice isn’t it and very close to what actually happens on the medium.

The memory cells in a flash drive gets etched with data.

Well, your guess is as good as mine.

But the probable reason might be I think is in good old times when there were no USB’s.

The whole writing on an optical disk happened via some heating mechanism inside the CD or DVD writer.

Don’t quote me on that, I could be hilariously and hopelessly wrong on this.

What ISO burning software to use ?


Want an iso burning software that writes ISO to a USB.

Use Rufus and don’t waste your time in researching anything else.

Tried, tested and absolutely simple.

All it really takes is selecting the ISO and selecting the target thumb drive and hitting start.

iso burning software rufus

And if you are reading this in 2018 or afterwards and if you are still using CD/DVD to write your ISOs.

Please comment below why you are doing it. You seem like a very interesting human being.

Anyways, in order to do that you need to use ImageBurn. Easy, effective and free like free-advises you get all around.

All you need to do is select the source i.e., the ISO file. Select the destination i.e., the DVD/CD drive set the write speed to the lowest value and boom hit the burn icon.

iso burning software imgburn

Note : Windows 10 users can now directly burn the ISO into the DVD by right clicking the burn disc image option.


Linux wizards will need this software called gnome-disk utility which is available by default in Ubuntu.

If not just be a darling and run this command in the terminal.

sudo apt-get install gnome-disk-utility

Now in the Search menu type “disks”.

The app will show you the various disks on your system.

linux usb iso burning software


Now click on the top right corner of the app like this.

ubuntu usb burning software click

Done ?. Good.

Next up click on the restore disk image.

The new window that will open up is going to ask you to select the ISO file.

Select the ISO file from your system.

Click start restoring.


The process will start and make you feel all goody goody.

K3B For Old School DVDs

Now if you are looking to go old school and wish to burn down an ISO file to a DVD you gotta download this ISO burning software K3b form the ubuntu marketplace.

Once you have done that and when you start the software you will see a very familiar looking interface like that of ImgBurn.

K3b iso burning software

Which is the primary reason I suggested you K3b. To make things familiar and easy for you.

See how much I care for you.

And you don’t even share my posts. huh !!.

Anyhoo, from here on things must be pretty simple for you.

All you need to do is select the appropriate option you would want to do from the actions segment the opening window.

There are quite a few here actually.

You can copy disks, create audio disk, burn ISO to DVD etc etc.

Choose the right option, Choose the right ISO, Choose the Right DVD.

Select lowest possible burn speed. And hit start.

Treat yourselves with a coffee and by the time you have gulped it.

Your DVD/CD must be ready.

With that said my lovely peeps.

That was it in this post.

If you have any doubts regarding the process do let me know in the comments sections.

I decided to keep this one short and simple.

Any and all kinds questions are welcome with open heart.

If you don’t have any questions you are more than welcome to just say Hi too. 😀

I will see you guys in the next one.

Till then.

Namaskaram _/\_ 🙂

Whaazoooooooooooooo !!!

**Disappears without any trace**





Electronics Engineer | Former Deputy Manager | Self-Taught Digital Marketer.Owner & Admin Of A Network Of Blogs and Global E-Commerce Stores

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