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PC turns ON, but NO Display or Power to Keyboard? – Do This!
This happened to me recently. I was cruising along doing my daily writing tasks on my beloved PC, and suddenly while I was working, the screen goes black. No prior intimation, no signs, no known previous issues, and plop, the screen just goes black on me. The interesting or rather mildly infuriating part was the system was still working. My PC was turning ON, and the fans and LEDs in the cabinet were on, but…
5 Best SSDs for Virtualization/Virtual Machines!
If I select one PC hardware unit to award the most disruptive innovation of the decade, it has to be an SSD. There was a time when the upgrade route was generally more RAM or a better CPU. But today, if you ask anyone how to make your PC faster and more responsive, the unanimous answer will be getting an SSD. You will hardly find laptops today without one. While hard drives are still relevant…
Does lower TDP mean Less Heat?, 3 Factors that Dictate TDP!
When it comes to building a PC, it always starts with what you see on the screen. You want those realistic-looking graphics delivered to your monitor without lag, and you start your research process accordingly. And it makes sense, but it takes little time to realize the performance of your final build depends upon the performance of individual components. And if you are not particularly tech-savvy, you may not fancy benchmarks, comparisons, or parameters, but…
Do SSDs Consume Less Power than HDDs? | Data-Based Answer!
Evaluating net power consumption is an important part of the PC building process. If you are a beginner PC builder, there is a chance you may not pay a lot of attention to it. But as you gain experience and get well-versed with different performance metrics, you will realize the importance of power consumption and related parameters like TDP. In this article, we are discussing a query that I often get: Do SSDs use less…
Is Gigabyte a Good Brand for Motherboards? | Purchasing Tips!
When you start researching PC components, Gigabyte is one of the top brands that pop up. And there is a good reason for that. Gigabyte has been in the PC hardware and peripherals game for a while now. Slowly and surely, gigabyte has penetrated the hardware space to include almost all pc components. The latest ones are SSDs. It’s no news that PC components are costly. Therefore, it is crucial to do the necessary research…
Is 1TB SSD enough for PS5? How Big of an SSD should you get?
Storage in PS5 has always been a big point of discussion since its inception. There are quite a few reasons for this. In this article, let me address some very important issues and queries around PS5 and its storage. Starting with the most common one, Is 1TB SSD enough for PS5? It depends on how many games you play at the same time. That said, 1TB SSD is indeed the sweet spot for most users….
Smart Home
6 Creative Uses of Old Kindle Devices | Upcycle Old Kindle
I still remember the day I created a review article on the kindle paperwhite in 2015. It was one of my first posts here on yantraas and it was special…
Are Thermostats Battery Powered? | 5 Best Battery-less Thermostats
In the quest of converting your home into a smart one, it’s important to be thorough. Just yesterday, one of my readers messaged me saying how he wanted an Alexa-compatible…
Are Thermostats Interchangeable? | 2 Crucial Checkpoints!
One of the most important factors in making a living space comfortable is temperature control. Out of all the smart gadgets that I discuss on this blog, discussions on thermostats…
Is Thermostat Digital or Analog? (Differences Explained!)
First, let me tell you why this question is so important and relevant. Because when talking in terms of electronics the word thermostat can mean one thing and in terms…
Is Thermostat a Sensor? (6 Temperature Sensor Types Explained)
When I first started with electronics creating a temperature sensor-based monitoring system was one of my first projects. When I took the project, it was like a wake-up call. I…
Do You Need A Smart Switch For A Smart Bulb? | Cool Smart Bulb Tips!
Out of the many smart products that you can shop for smart bulbs are one of the most fun ones to own. Ironically, those are the ones that I haven’t…
PC turns ON, but NO Display or Power to Keyboard? – Do This!
This happened to me recently. I was cruising along doing my daily writing tasks on my beloved PC, and suddenly while I was working, the screen goes black. No prior intimation, no signs, no known previous issues, and plop, the screen just goes black on me. The interesting or rather mildly infuriating part was the system was still working. My PC was turning ON, and the fans and LEDs in the cabinet were on, but…
Do you need NAS drives for a NAS? 5 Best Budget NAS drives
You, me, and all of us are witnessing the boom of technology in a way none of us would have imagined a decade ago. While the facets of this boom are diverse, there is one common denominator at the core. Storage. I still remember a time when you clicked a photo and waited at least a week before you could see your clicked picture in your hand. Today you can shoot a video, modify it,…
6 Creative Uses of Old Kindle Devices | Upcycle Old Kindle
I still remember the day I created a review article on the kindle paperwhite in 2015. It was one of my first posts here on yantraas and it was special for me because it was one of the first devices I bought from the money I saved from my first job. Just yesterday I was reading a book on my kindle and I thought man this thing is getting old. Don’t get me wrong, my…
Are B550 Motherboards Worth It? | 5 Points to Consider Before Buying!
Not very long ago, choosing the ‘right CPU’ wasn’t even a choice. Nobody asked what CPU are you using in your gaming PC or workstation. Nobody bothered. The answer was almost always Intel. It all changed when AMD decided to kick things up a notch and introduce Zen architecture-based Ryzen line of CPUs. Fast forward to this day, as per Mercury Research, AMD’s market share is 25.6% of the overall x86 market. There have been…
Is Thermostat Necessary in a Car? (3 Potential Consequences!)
I don’t usually like bringing in personal experiences in posts, because I like keeping every article crisp, clear, and to the point. But I hope you will forgive me for sharing and getting a little personal in this article for the simple reason that the context screams for it. So, my first job was as Deputy Manager in a leading automobile firm that creates trucks. Now, the reason I took that job is because I…
Is Thermostat Digital or Analog? (Differences Explained!)
First, let me tell you why this question is so important and relevant. Because when talking in terms of electronics the word thermostat can mean one thing and in terms of modern gadgets, the term may mean a completely different thing. In the light of that understanding, the question can be answered in two routes. One from the context of practical electronics and the other from the context of smart gadgets. Because in technological terms…
Tech FAQs
Is Steam Deck Better than PS5? | Resolved!
I won’t be wrong in saying we are living in the golden era of gaming. I won’t argue with people who will say that the period of NES, SNES, SEGA,…
PC turns ON, but NO Display or Power to Keyboard? – Do This!
This happened to me recently. I was cruising along doing my daily writing tasks on my beloved PC, and suddenly while I was working, the screen goes black. No prior…
5 Best SSDs for Virtualization/Virtual Machines!
If I select one PC hardware unit to award the most disruptive innovation of the decade, it has to be an SSD. There was a time when the upgrade route…
Does lower TDP mean Less Heat?, 3 Factors that Dictate TDP!
When it comes to building a PC, it always starts with what you see on the screen. You want those realistic-looking graphics delivered to your monitor without lag, and you…
Do SSDs Consume Less Power than HDDs? | Data-Based Answer!
Evaluating net power consumption is an important part of the PC building process. If you are a beginner PC builder, there is a chance you may not pay a lot…
Best Server Rack for Homelab | 4 Tips to Select the Right One!
One of the reasons why I picked electronics engineering over other options is that I have always liked experimenting. From childhood, I have enjoyed opening stuff and seeing what’s inside….
Tech Tips
Do you need NAS drives for a NAS? 5 Best Budget NAS drives
You, me, and all of us are witnessing the boom of technology in a way none of us would have imagined a decade ago. While the facets of this boom are diverse, there is one common denominator at the core. Storage. I still remember a time when you clicked a photo and waited at least a week before you could see your clicked picture in…
Are Thermostats Interchangeable? | 2 Crucial Checkpoints!
One of the most important factors in making a living space comfortable is temperature control. Out of all the smart gadgets that I discuss on this blog, discussions on thermostats have been the most “heated” ones. And for good reasons. In this article let me address one of the most frequently popping questions in thermostat discussions. Are thermostats interchangeable? The answer is no, thermostats are…
Why Are Gaming Mice So Expensive? Best Budget Gaming Mice!
So, why are gaming mice so expensive? Before I answer that question, let me tell you why the question is so relevant. You see if you are keen enough to notice patterns you will see that whatever product has a gaming tag associated with it, demands a premium price. I have been talking about this for so long in so many of my previous posts….
Do Quiet Mechanical Keyboards Exist? | Best Quiet Mechanical Keyboards
Somewhere on one of the forums that I continuously visit a person asked a very important question. He said, I write a lot so what is the best investment I can do to enhance my writing. I straight away answered, get a nice mechanical keyboard. I received a lot of appreciation you could say for suggesting something so simple and obvious. However, a few days…
Can You Edit Off A NAS? 5 Video Editing Server Tips!
It’s so strange and oddly mesmerizing how owning a handy-cam was an option chosen by a few just a few years ago. Camera was an exclusive accessory that you bought and used for special occasions. Fast forward to the current day, and every pocket has a camera in it. Couple that with what we call the internet and the sheer video production that the world…
Can I Use An Old Power Supply For A New PC? Or Do I Need A New One?
So, do you need a new power supply or will an old power supply work with a new computer? I am surprised that such an important question is discussed so little. Choosing the right power supply is a very crucial part of a pc building process. What’s even more surprising is that when it comes to prioritizing pc parts, a power supply finds a back…